Lets go to the races.

I hope I can write this as funny and it was. It might be one of those stories, you just had to be there, but I'm real glad you weren't. I know Sammy is smiling already.

One summer our family decided to go on vacation to Panama City. Now when I say our family that means aunts, uncles, grandmas and cousins.  Like 17 of us. One Big Happy Family!! Well a day or so after we got there some of us wanted to go to the dog tracks cause some of us had never been. Mama wouldn't go with us. She said, we were all going to hell for going. My grandmother, Mama Helen stayed with her but slipped us some money for her dog.
Now, I don't know how much you are supposed to spend on a dog, and none of us was rich, so about a dollar was all they were a gettin' from us "big spenders". Mama had done scared me so I told Sammy I'd just watch cause I didn't wanna go to hell. Well we had to pick us out a dog to holler for, and I loved naming dogs around our house ( just ask the girls) so I got to do that.Y'all that know me, you know I'm gonna holler at anything competitive, whether I know anything about the sport or not. So I get to jumpin' and a hollerin' and....

(First I don't wanna offend anyone by this but SHOOT ladies I think we have all done this and maybe still doing it.) When we first got married Sammy thought this was the most amazing thing I could do. (Blush! Blush!)  Y'all know without taking your shirt off how you can take your bra off. You know you slide one strap off your arm and then you go in for the other strap and then you pull your whole bra out on one side or you can yank it and it will fall out the bottom of your shirt. I can give you a minute if you wanna try it. lol!! Just keep this in mine when I tell you this next part.

As I'm jumping up and down I begin to feel something in my pant leg. Of course Sammy's right beside so I lean on him and start digging in my pants from the bottom up. Well... lo and behold I pull out a pair of pantyhose. Sammy can't figure out what I'm digging for so he watches me.Y'all when I pulled out that pair of pantyhose he just about fell over. You know me I didn't miss a beat hollering for my dog but ever time I'd glance at Sammy he'd have this weird look on his face, and wasn't even paying attention to our dog. Well when the race was over and we started to leave he said, don't move. I said, whats wrong. He said, you gotta tell me how you got that pair of panthoes to one side of your leg. By that look on his face it was coming clear to me, he was thinking about the bra trick and now this. Oh I'm sure he had dollar signs flashing in front of him. Thinking he really had something here and the circus would be calling me soon. lol!!!I played along for a few minutes, I told him it was easy to do. Finally I said not only did I pull out a pair of panthose from my right leg but there was dryer sheet in the other leg. I know he thought I can't take her anywhere.
I to this day can't figure out how I didn't feel anything in either of my pant leg when I put them on. Its all Mamas fault, she had me thinking.

Now one of my cousins made it out with a lot of money cause he knew better than to pick a pretty name. Our sweet boney dog sprinted in dead last. My daddy and uncle went in together and had to split their earning of $2.00 cause there dog tried to out do our dog and fell and broke his leg. I promise I'm not kidding!!!

We have always had so much fun as "One Big Happy Family" and we still do but.... we also remember the ones that are not with us.

Dear Lord,
I pray that we all will slow down and enjoy our families and all you have given us. May we always kept our faith so that when we cross that finish line and step into Heaven, we will know our reward is forever with you Amen.


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