What's His Name

I know I wrote about the alligator coming down the road, but I forgot to tell ya about a week later I was letting Samson out to go to the bathroom and a little alligator came running in our house.  I Freaked Out! I had to call Sammy to come home.  It was a few hours before he went on the air, so he came on over.  When he got there I was sitting on the couch with my legs up.  I told him it ran behind our entertainment center. Y'all remember the kind that held your TV and record player.  It was really long; that is what we had. My man (Crocodile Dundee) gets the broom and is on the hunt to save his wife and dog.  I told him it was a baby and there had to be more (me being the expert and all).  He looked for a while and found nothing. Heck the dog wouldn't even bark; you know like sniff it out or help him out. I remember sleeping with the covers over my head that night. I thought it might get in the bed with us. Sunday came and we were getting ready to go to the beach.  Just as we stepped outside, one of them alligators goes running by us. I start hollerin' "there's another alligator!"  Sammy was laughing so hard he could hardly get in the car.  He then told me it was lizard.
We found that thang a year later when we moved, all dried up behind our entertainment center.

When we moved to St. Pete, we got there on a Saturday and he started work on Monday (which is always the case for us.  I'm left to unpack). This name change had me a little worried.  Of course, he had always had Darwin in his name from the previous station (J. Samuel Darwin, Sammy Darwin, Sam Darwin, or Goodtimes Darwin), but now he was Rusty Walker.  And another thing I wasn't sure about was Country Music, I was just getting the hang of Rock-n-Roll.  I gotta tell ya, it took awhile for all that to grow on me. About a week later we get our telephone put in. Whew, I was ready to call home!  One day I get this call.
Someone: I need to speak to James S. Darwin.
Me: You must have the wrong number.
Someone: You mean James S. Darwin is not there?
Me:  No, I've never heard of that name.
Someone:  (Giving out the number he just dialed) Is this not his number?
Me: Yep, you got the right number, but no James S. Darwin.
Then it hit me, dang it, that's his given name.
Me:  Hey wait a minute, that's my husband.
Someone:  Hung up.
Sammy comes home from work and I tell him about the call.  He thought it was funny.  I told him that it was a good thing I didn't know he had so many names when we were dating 'cause Daddy would have been looking into that.

We get all settled in our little duplex house, and I realized we aren't on vacation and we needed to open a bank account. The only time we could go was on Saturday morning 'cause Sammy usually worked 6 days a week.  Most Saturdays he would work remotes (broadcast from a business). So we go into this bank, sat down, and this lady starts helping us set up this account.
Bank Lady:  What name do you want this set up in?
(We just look at each other and laugh.  We should have gotten up and left 'cause it was downhill from then on)
Me: (Looking at Sammy) What name do you wanna use here?
Bank Lady:  What do you mean by that?  (She arched her eyebrows and turned mean on us)
Sammy:  (OMGoodness he starts squirming) Oh, let me explain what she means.
Me:  I didn't think that was something to get excited over???
Sammy:  You see, we just moved here and I'm in radio.  I had to change my name On-Air, and she is so confused.
Me:  Hey! What are you saying Sammy/Rusty?
That lady opened an account for us, and we waited till we got in he car to have a good laugh.

Dear God,
Its fun to look back and laugh at some of the things we did when we were younger. I sure do love that guy with so many names but there is something about that name Jesus that I love too.Thank you for my laughter and my tears 'cause I miss him so. Amen.

A call for janes s darwin
opening a bank account
couldn't but a push mower and bees in my pants


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