Tomorrow Never Came

You know when you've been married 38 years as we were, its kinda scary sometimes how you know what the other is thinking? Last year it was Mother's Day weekend and Sammy wanted to take me out. Kinsley had past away only 66 days ago and I really didn't wanna do anything.  I knew he was trying to cheer me up the best he could, so I went along. He had a old green truck that he was SO proud of and wanted to ride in it to Florence AL (about an hour away). He had a new radio and blue tooth installed in that thang, Whoopeeee!! A guy thing, I guess. On the way he wanted to know what I would like for Mother's Day. I told I didn't really need anything but.... I was thinking about a porch swing. Then he wants to know where I wanted to eat. I really wasn't up to a restaurant, but I didn't say anything. As we get closer to Florence he ask again. In my head I was thinking Five Guys, you know some and out. So I said how about you pick and he says how about Five Guys. I said, Wow that's perfect. I was thinking the same thing. We laughed 'cause that happened a lot. He locked the old truck up and we were in and out in no time. He gets ready to unlock this beauty and the key he has won't unlock it. We let the tail gate down and sit a spell to do some thinking. He went next door for help but they had closed already. So he goes back in Five Guys and comes out with a screw driver. Now on the door of this old truck it has a big window and a small one right next to the big one (like a half window, that's the best I can do to describe it).  I'm not real sure how this was supposed to work, but he was gonna pry that little window open so he could unlock it. He pried alright. Pried it so hard the little window shattered, but he got it unlocked. He took me several places to look for a porch swing. I did all the looking while he stayed in the parking lot to duck tape the window in case of rain. I think he had more fun making that duck tape fit perfect than I did looking for a swing. He didn't seem to act real interested in looking for a swing after the window got taped so we headed home (We had gone to a movie the night before, we saw the "Three Stogies", but we didn't laugh much. Just bad timing). We hadn't gottten far down the road and that tape broke loose and parts of that shattered glass started coming in on me. I ended up sitting right beside him and I know we bound to have looked like the Walton's, flapping and a jumping. Actually that ride did us good. We talked about how we needed to date more. HA!!!
Sometimes late at night, I lay awake and think of our tomorrows that never came. I guess that thought never crossed my mind that one morning I'd wake up and he would not be there or be coming home on a Friday night. I know one thing for sure, though, I never doubted the love he had for me.We made a pact, we would never grow up 'cause we were having so much fun.
By the way that porch swing..... I found out later, a man (outside of Memphis) was waiting on him to call with the measurements. He had placed an order before I had even told him I wanted one. Wow!! How cool is that? That's just how we rolled.
I got a year behind me now, but sometimes it seems like yesterday when Sammy, Kinsley, and Jay left me. There are nights when I get to thinking maybe this didn't really happened and they will jump out from around the corner and say "Surprise". We got ya!!!

With the help of family and friends I've learned a whole lot this past year. I know they have had a lot of laughs but Sammy spoiled me, love his heart. I've learned how to use a: Debit Card------Air up bike and lawn mower tires-----Put a tag on my Jeep----- I can use more than one finger to type with thanks to this blog.
I learned all the makes and models of our vehicles, jet skis, boat and golf cart, and how to wheel and deal.  That part made me sick to my stomach.

One thing I know for sure is I made all the messes and I thought all this time it was them. So here is a little advice for couples. Learn each other's jobs. It could be learning to wash clothes or pay bills. Know where you stand in case tomorrow never comes.

To my best friend, I find comfort in knowing where you are 'cause your love lifts me up and you're such a shining star that I can feel your warmth in my days and nights. I hope you are feeling my love, too, as it shines its way from me to you. Love you and I always will!!!!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my Sammy, you sure know how to pick 'um. I so thankful he was so good to me, our children and family. He is missed so much it hurts. Lord I know I'm a work in progress but I'm slowly getting there. Thank you for my yesterdays.....Thank you for your love that lifted me.... Thank you for letting my light shine for you. Bless my family, friends and blog readers. Amen.


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