2 Red Birds and a Butterfly

Have you ever had any encounters with red birds or butterflies? I never thought too much about them until last year. After Kinsley's funeral, we came home and we parked the jeep and there was the prettiest red bird sitting in a branch right in front of us. I remember telling Sammy days after about this red bird was hanging around outside. Sometimes when he would come in from work he would say, hey that red bird is out on the porch. When Kinsley's friends would come over to see us we would walk them out to the front porch when they would get ready to leave and this red bird would zip by. It was like no one could see this bird but us cause it would go by so fast. Sammy and I got to where we would just look at each other and smile. We took a trip to see Beth, Ryan and Mac a few weeks before Sammy passed away and as I was putting stuff in the car this little butterfly would not leave me alone. I mean it was going all around me, like aggravating me to death. The we...