Do you hear what I hear

One day, I came home from work (IES) and needed to take our garbage off (back then you took your own garbage way down the road to a big garbage dumpster) before mowing the yard. I came in and changed clothes (like get out of my good clothes and put on real comfy clothes, like no bra, t-shit and tight shorts, don't even try to imagine this). After all no one was gonna see me. Right!!!!! Wrong!!! So I go and take the garbage to the dumpster and as I was coming in the house, Jay says, Mama guess who is upstairs playing the drums. I said it sounds like your daddy. Noooooo Mama it's.... Sawyer Brown's drummer. Yeah right, its your daddy. About that time I hear Sammy and this guy coming down the stairs. I hear this guy saying, yeah Rusty I really wanna meet your wife. Omgoodness... the house was a mess! I was running around trying to hide when I ran right into them. It was then I met Joe Smyth. Sammy could tell I wasn't a happy camper 'cause he didn't give me a heads up company was coming. Later that afternoon Sammy tells me we have been invited to their concert in Florence, AL that night. I told him I wasn't going 'cause I was embarrassed about the house and what I was wearing earlier. He tells me he is gonna stay home with two of the kids and I can take one and two guests. He really had to do some talking but I ended up going.
We had great seats; a few rows from the stage. His manager spots me and comes out before the show starts and says Mark (lead singer for Sawyer Brown) wants to see me on his bus. I tell him no; I have guest with me. He comes back later and says Mark said when the concert is over for me and my guests to come to the bus. I said, OK.
After the concert the manager comes back to get us. He tells us he is gonna tell the fans we are family from Maine and let us through. Fans were all around the bus and you just had to make your way through, so they had to part the waters for us. When we get to the bus and the door opens, I'm looking up and on the top step was Joe. He said, well hello,Teresa, you look a lot different than you did earlier. Of course I about died. We go on in and sit down and Mark said, Joe what was that comment about. He said, oh earlier today I was up in Teresa's bedroom. Mark says, Hey hold it right there, you were where? I was over my mad spell so I had to laugh. We had a great time and the concert wasn't bad either.
Dear Lord,
I'm sure glad you don't look at what's on the outside 'cause some of us beat to a different drum. It's the goodness of our heart you're into. We gotta remember people see our outside first. Some are beautiful outside and inside. I love you!!! Bless my family, friends, and blog readers. Amen.
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