Happy Birthday Beth!!!!!!
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Lori Elizabeth Darwin 7 lbs 2 ozs. and 19 1/2 inches long |
You know when you work in radio you move a round a good bit, especially if you wanna move on up the ladder. I didn't realize till I was putting this together that it seemed every time we moved I was pregnant and had no idea. This time we weren't moving to a new city just from an apartment to our own house. Woo hoo! We were closer to Iuka than I ever thought we would ever be... Birmingham, AL. I really considered it home being only 3 hours away from Iuka.
We moved in the fall of '81. When we three got all settled in, I went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant. I remember telling Sammy at the dinner table that #2 was on its way. Let me just say, the rooster may crow, but it's the hen that delivers the goods.
This pregnancy went well. I was never sick and never really craved anything. In May of '82 my family came down to visit, and Beth was still 2 weeks away from her debut. I remember us all going to a park near our home on a Sunday afternoon. Nikki (26 months old) wanted to feed the ducks and I could get some walking in. When they got ready to leave I told them we would call them when it was all over. Mama said you better not 'cause I wanna be here when this one is born. I was just kidding but guess what...... She Missed It!!!!
Two days after they left I went into labor. At my last doctor's visit I was told Beth was breech.
Doctor: Now don't worry, we will discuss it on your next visit.
Me: Discuss???? I'm liking the letter "C" No discussions!!
I didn't make it to my next appointment. On May 11th, very early in the morning, my belly did a flip flop. Sammy had just left for work and I started timing my pains. I waited a little while before calling Sammy 'cause I wanted to make sure. However, I did call home and told Mama I thought I was in labor but I'd let her know if it was the real thing. I finally call Sammy to come home and he was wild. Of course, when he gets there he is ready to go to the hospital. I, on the other hand, had things to do. I was mopping the floors. Oh, I would stop ever now and then and hang on the mop handle till the pain would leave. Floors done! A shower was next, and Sammy was having 40 fits. Meanwhile, Sammy calls a friend of ours who is a nurse to come over. She was to keep Nikki at the hospital till my Mama got there. When she got there she wanted to check me....???? I said you ain't checking nothing. Now, if you mean lay your hand on my stomach, knock yourself out but that is it. We're going to see my doctor and we did. When I got there the doctor was at lunch, so I had a little wait. When your pains are getting closer together a little wait is like forever.
Doctor: Checking me......Oh, we got to go, NOW!!
Me: Is she still breech????
Doctor: Oh, No... I touched her head. (to much info, I know) We've got to hurry.
I was so excited I couldn't get my pants on. I kept putting both legs in the same hole.
Nurse: What is your husbands name, I'll page him.
Me: Sammy Darwin.
Nurse: There is no Sammy Darwin out there.
Me: Ok, James Darwin
Nurse: Ma'am are you sure your husband is out in the lobby.
Me: ( I realized they had the radio playing through out the clinic and so happens it was the station Sammy worked for). Try Rusty Walker.
Nurse: Rusty Walker????? (as in woohoo)
Me: Yep, long story.
By the time we went though all the names they had me in a wheelchair and out in the hall waiting......
It was kinda funny. Doors started opening from rooms so they could check this "Rusty Walker" out. I was about ready to check him out the door. The clinic was connected to the St. Vincent's Hospital ,so it was a wheelchair ride with Nikki in my lap. Sammy managed to find a phone to call home and I managed to get an epidural, ahhhhh!!!
My Mama had to get on back home, so she left Mama Helen to cook and give lots of advice, which I will spare you 'cause our conversations was on breast feeding. If you knew my Mama Helen you can imagine. hehe!
By the weekend both our families had come and gone and we never saw these people again. Help!!! You know when you have the first one you sorta learn as you go, so by the second one you think you got this all under control. NOT!!!! I remember taking Beth back for her 2 week check up, and thinking which one do I load and unload first. We only had one car and after that trip I decided the girls and me would become shut-ins.
The Lord surprised us May 11th, 1982 with Lori Elizabeth (Beth) Darwin, that was the day he picked out for her. She leaves heart prints of compassion, understanding, love, kindness and always concern for others. She is married now, and has a little boy of her own but in my heart she will always be my baby. Happy Birthday Beth!!!!
Dear Lord,
There is nothing like the blessing of a child. They fill your home with energy and touch your heart with joy. Thank you for all my babies and the memories we have. Like you Lord, I think my children are amazing, beautiful, and one of a kind. Bless my family, friends and blog readers. Amen.
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