Lots of Surprises
Oh my goodness when I was way way younger I couldn't wait till after Thanksgiving 'cause that meant the Sears and Roebuck and J. C. Penny Christmas catalog came in the mail. I would look for hours and make my mark on what all I needed. Sometimes it would be several marks on each page, then I'd go to bed and dream of all this stuff I would be gettin'. Of course as it got closer to Christmas, I'd have to write a letter to Santa and Mama and Daddy would tell me to narrow it down to two or three things. You know that took a lot of thought, two or three things!!! I remember kids at school would add at the end of their list...and lots of surprises too! Well their was my answer, I'd list my most important two or three things and then throw in.... lots of surprises, too! I just knew some how Santa would know those other things I desperately needed would be my, "lots of surprises" and I'd get it all. What I didn't know was my parents read my letters before being mailed to the North Pole. Y'all know as parents you wanna try and get what's on your kids list and my parents were no different.
We always went to Mama Pet's (grandmother) house on Christmas Eve and my other grandmother, Mama Helen was always invited to come. My Mama Pet loved Sears and Roebuck and J. C. Penney, too! Sometimes she would still be wrapping presents when we showed up. We always had to eat that delicious BIG meal before we could open presents. It didn't matter how fast you ate, you weren't going anywhere until everyone was finished. There was always a big fuss over who would hand out the presents and then the fun would begin.
Daddy and Mama would tell us we had to get in the bed early 'cause they never knew what time Santa was coming (this was before radar, y'all). It was kinda hard falling asleep. I will admit sometimes I was a little scared thinking about that jolly 'ole man coming in our house, any hour of the night, and.... had I been good enough. Of course, I did do some last minute praying..... just bring me something.!!!!!
Christmas morning came early at our house. I know I always got my two or three things but that "lots of surprises" was a joke 'cause mine was..... apples and oranges. Daddy would walk by and say, WHEW!!!! you got lots of surprises. That was the kicker for me, Santa!!!
Dear Lord,
As a child I made my mark in a catalog of things I needed. Now, I make my mark in my Bible 'cause I need your word. It's still hard to fall asleep but now, I ponder... am I good enough for Heaven. I know with you in my heart and your amazing grace, I am. As this Christmas season approaches, I pray for all my family and friends to get right with you 'cause we got "lots of surprises" awaiting. Amen.
We always went to Mama Pet's (grandmother) house on Christmas Eve and my other grandmother, Mama Helen was always invited to come. My Mama Pet loved Sears and Roebuck and J. C. Penney, too! Sometimes she would still be wrapping presents when we showed up. We always had to eat that delicious BIG meal before we could open presents. It didn't matter how fast you ate, you weren't going anywhere until everyone was finished. There was always a big fuss over who would hand out the presents and then the fun would begin.
Daddy and Mama would tell us we had to get in the bed early 'cause they never knew what time Santa was coming (this was before radar, y'all). It was kinda hard falling asleep. I will admit sometimes I was a little scared thinking about that jolly 'ole man coming in our house, any hour of the night, and.... had I been good enough. Of course, I did do some last minute praying..... just bring me something.!!!!!
Christmas morning came early at our house. I know I always got my two or three things but that "lots of surprises" was a joke 'cause mine was..... apples and oranges. Daddy would walk by and say, WHEW!!!! you got lots of surprises. That was the kicker for me, Santa!!!
Dear Lord,
As a child I made my mark in a catalog of things I needed. Now, I make my mark in my Bible 'cause I need your word. It's still hard to fall asleep but now, I ponder... am I good enough for Heaven. I know with you in my heart and your amazing grace, I am. As this Christmas season approaches, I pray for all my family and friends to get right with you 'cause we got "lots of surprises" awaiting. Amen.
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