I'm sure most families have their own traditions and my family has (had) a few. When I was growing up and as long as I can remember, our neighbors, Cecil and Christine Johnson, were always at our house on Christmas morning. Ms.Christine would make homemade biscuits. She could make the best biscuits and tea cakes in the summer time. That's one of my favorite memories when I was younger.

When we moved back to Iuka, the tradition has been for Mama (Maw Maw/Beebs), Daddy (Paw Paw/Jack) and Keith to come to our house. They came before the kids got out of bed on Christmas morning to watch them see what Santa brought. When the kids were a lot younger, it seemed like we had just gotten in the bed and then it was time to get up. It was our own fault because we had to wait until all the kids were asleep before we could put together anything. Most of the time our bunch was too excited to go to sleep early. Apparently we had never heard of putting stuff together a few days before, but we had so much fun. One of the things I liked to do was get a picture of the kids coming down the stairs Christmas morning. You know where they are still half asleep. As they got older the girls would get so mad 'cause their hair didn't look just right, but I thought it was funny just as long as they didn't turn the camera on me, HA! Sammy would always cook breakfast for all of us and then try to get a nap in before lunch. I knew last Christmas would probably be our last Christmas the girls would come down the stairs together cause Kinsley would be in college and she would be too "Cool" for that . Even though the older sisters still did it. Beth and Ryan spend every other Christmas with us and the same for Thanksgiving. You know you gotta share after they marry, Lol! Any way the first Christmas Beth wasn't home, her sisters got her good (as you can see in pictures).
This tradition has to do with the Skinner family. My girls (Nikki and Beth) and the two younger Skinner girls (Rebecca Gray and Lori Beth Rhodes) have been friends ever since they were in diapers. Now I'm really not that old, but I use to baby-sit the oldest two Skinner girls when I was in high school. Then, what seems like yesterday, the oldest Skinner girl (Ann Marie Brown) and I had babies (Haley and Kinsley) born the same year, and they became friends while they were in diapers, too. Each Christmas morning, the Darwin and Skinner girls take turns going to each others houses (well, their PARENTS' HOUSES) to see what Santa brought. They must have gotten over the hair thing because the picture speak for themselves!
Guess who didn't make it in that Christmas. |
If you haven't started a tradition its not to late. I know this ole girl (me) will have to come up with some new ones cause I'm a Grammy now. It's something you and your children or grandchildren will always remember. Oh and keep a camera handy. :)
If your trying to think of tradition to start this would be a great one. Some churches have a candlelight communion service that offer singing and a opportunity to here the Christmas story and share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. You'll get a blessing out of it.
Dear Lord,
Christmas is such a special time no matter what age. Its a time for me to think of old traditions that warms my memories and cheers my heart. Thank you Lord for being with me... every second.. every minute and ...every hour of my day. Amen.
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