Trunk OR Treat

Now I don't know if many of you participate in "trunk or treat, whether you decorate your trunk or you go for the treats. Either way it's a lot of fun. Sammy and I would start buying candy a few weeks ahead of time. I remember the very first time we participated we ran out of candy and had to send someone to get more. We really didn't know what to expect and hadn't really put any thought into what we would dress up as until the last minute. I decided we (Sammy and I) would be old people. Woo hoo!  Really put some thought into that, didn't I? Well it must have worked 'cause I tried it out on an elderly neighbor.  I parked my car out of sight, walked up, and knocked on their door.  The neighbor comes to the door.
Me: ( talking in a trembling voice) Heyyyyy can you tell me where I'm at?
Neighbor: (fumbling around making sure her door is locked) Are you lost?
Me: What ye say.
Neighbor:  ARE YOU LOST????
Me: Yep, I reckon'. I was in a home and can't find my way back. Can you give me a ride?
Neighbor: (still fumbling) Wait here and I'll be right back.
She goes to get her husband.  I find out later he was in the bedroom giving himself an insulin shot and he comes out jacking up his pants.
Neighbor:  (husband checking door) AND YOU'RE LOST!!!
Me: (trying to keep a straight face, I just knew they would recognize me) You gonna give me a ride?
Neighbor: (both standing there and four hands on the lock) Oh you stand right there 'cause your ride is coming......the POLICE!!! They will be glad to take you back.
Me:  (I bust out laughing) It's me, Teresa.
Neighbors: Oh her name is Teresa.
Me: Y'all look..... (and I started taking off stuff. If you could have only seem their faces. I was a crying and that wasn't helping matters).
Neighbors: WHY... Teresa is that you?  What are you doing, hun?
Me: Call the police off...... TRICK OR TREAT!!!
They tell me later they thought I had escaped from one of the nursing homes.  Lol!
This all happened many years ago. Every time I would visit them they said they always thought of me on Halloween.  He has since passed away and she is now in a nursing home. I love them dearly!
This sums it up... You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.

I don't have any pictures of me being an old lady; however, I do have some of us at Trunk or Treats past. Sammy was a good sport.  Sometimes he would be coming off a road trip and I'd have his costume ready. Kinsley always had other plans.  Occasionally, we might see her before she got together with her friends, but all she would do was shake her head at us.  Total disbelief... ha, teenagers!

Y'all have a fun and safe Halloween.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my town Iuka and all the people who live here. Lord, we know you want us to have a good time while we are here on earth but we also know the greatest time is yet to come. Watch over us, protect us in all that we do, and thank you for my," remember when"..... Amen.

Paula Abdul
Coming to you live from down town  Iuka
Ryan and a contestant

Do you have what it takes for some candy?


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