The Big.....60
While you celebrate your 1st birthday in Heaven with our two, I'll celebrate your 1st birthday with our other two. Happy Birthday to my Sweetie Pie Honey Bunch!!!
Dear Sammy,

I guess God has told you that I got a direct line to him. Oh ,we talk all the time not just on Sunday. Yeah, sometimes sleep doesn't came easy but I'm gonna be alright. I'm just missin' you. God knows my heart is broken but I'm slowly mending but it will never be complete. He gives me strength that keeps me going, so y'all party on in... Heaven and we will do the same.... down here.
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Here's me kissin' you, x's and o's and a card from home.
Dear Lord,
I know your purpose and understanding is far better than what I think or want, but it's so hard losing someone that can finish your sentences and who has spoiled you for 39 years. Lord, I love and trust you and thank you for seeing me through each day. Amen.
Heres me kissin you xxxoo
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