Trunk OR Treat
Now I don't know if many of you participate in "trunk or treat, whether you decorate your trunk or you go for the treats. Either way it's a lot of fun. Sammy and I would start buying candy a few weeks ahead of time. I remember the very first time we participated we ran out of candy and had to send someone to get more. We really didn't know what to expect and hadn't really put any thought into what we would dress up as until the last minute. I decided we (Sammy and I) would be old people. Woo hoo! Really put some thought into that, didn't I? Well it must have worked 'cause I tried it out on an elderly neighbor. I parked my car out of sight, walked up, and knocked on their door. The neighbor comes to the door. Me: ( talking in a trembling voice) Heyyyyy can you tell me where I'm at? Neighbor: (fumbling around making sure her door is locked) Are you lost? Me: What ye say. Neighbor: ARE YOU LOST???? Me: Yep, I reckon'. I was in a home and can...