That's what I was thinking last summer when I applied for a kindergarten teachers assistant job. Honestly, that was the only job I really wanted, so I didn't apply anywhere else. On August 3rd, I started climbing my mountain, and the best part was I was never alone. You see God was pushing me up; one step at a time.
We started out with 20 students (10 little boys and 10 little girls) couldn't get any better than that. At first, leaving mommy, daddy, grandma, or grandpa was not easy for a 5 year old. Not to mention, 3:00 was forever to them (us too on some days). Lol! I once read, "students who are loved at home come to school to learn, and students who aren't, come to school to be loved." Y'all I found my calling! I came to be loved on. This, I do know, Kindergarten + Love = Show and Tell.
As months went by and these little ones got a little more comfortable, they would slip up and call me mommy or grandma. Don't think for one second a smile wouldn't cross my face. I knew they were settling in, and so was I. Everything was lookin' up, and 3:00 wasn't so far away!
I've had many specials days, but Valentine's day was one of the best. I remembered the kids beat me to the classroom door that morning (I was trying to unlock it), but they were so excited. I was having a hard time opening it because they were jumping and hugging me and telling me they had a present or a card for me. It was better than Christmas!! I finally got the door open and we almost fell in the floor. These little one's brighten this ole girls day. They may have little hands but they got a big heart.
You know kindergarten has come a long way since my Miss Myrtle days (my kindergarten teacher). You don't just color and say or sing nursery rhymes any more. We learned how to dance with the months of the year. We know every sound of the alphabet. We can code most words, but it don't make a bit of since to me. Remember, I am old. We know how to pick out a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, pronoun, and... Our nose. We can count to over to 100. We can count by 5s and 10s. Our coloring got a lot better since the beginning of the year, so we don't "chicken scratch" any more. I was just proud they could hold a pencil, wipe their tails, wash their hands, and blow their nose. Some could even tie their shoes all by themselves. As they get older, I hope they will remember they can't always be the leader, the door holder or the caboose. It's who's in the middle that counts, too.
As our school year comes to a end, I wanna thank their parents for sharing their children with us. We give them back looking older, a little taller, and less teeth. It's been a blast watching them play, learn, and grow together. So as I remember them with tears in their eyes on the first day of school, today they will remember me with tears in my eyes 'cause I hate to see them go. I keep telling myself they're only gonna be a few doors down.
To Debbie Walker, Mr. McClung, and the School Board: Thanks for giving me this opportunity, and letting me be in the loving hands of children. Sometimes on my darkest nights, I knew the sun would shine when I got to school. I've always tried to remember these 18 little hearts were someone's "pride and joy" that I came to love.
To, Michelle Rushing, my teacher I work along beside: We are like a tag team. We've had to turn our heads to laugh 'cause kids says some of the funniest things. Sometimes, we wiped tears from our eyes from their darkest moments at home. She doesn't know this, but occasionally when she would leave the room at nap time their little heads would pop up and each one would wantt to tell me something. I was in charge of putting mats out, so I'd always put this little boy beside my desk. There were 2 reasons for this. 1). He wouldn't be quiet, and I would have to remind him. 2). When Mrs. Michelle would leave the room he would always, always sing to me. We had something in common, Country Music!!! Funny thing is, when I would say " ere she comes" they would all pretend to be asleep. To myself, I pretended that was all in the lesson plan. Lol! Now you know, Mrs. Michelle, but thanks for the memories.
To my 18 little boogers, remember all the things you've learned and all the fun we had. Thank you for my playground weeds, purple and yellow flowers, and shinny rocks through out the year. See ya later..... alligators!!!!
You know my life is so different than it was this time last year, and to that I say:
Dear sleep,
I know we had problems these last couple of years, but...... I LOVE YOU NOW!
Since this 2013-2014 class is so special to me, I wanted to remember the warmth of each child, so I've making myself a little quilt. Michelle was so gracious, and let me get each little hand print of my "class room family". My quilt is called " The hands that held me together". Here's a sneak peek. Now I gotta get to work on it. I'll post again (hopefully before school starts) when I finish with it. Oh I can't wait !!!!
Dear Lord,
How grateful I am to have a job that is so rewarding. Thank you for my push because I sure did need that jump start. Watch over my "school family", and may they have a fun, safe and memorable summer. Be with all the children as they climb this mountain of life, and may we always remember that you are right beside us. In your name, Amen.

That's what I was thinking last summer when I applied for a kindergarten teachers assistant job. Honestly, that was the only job I really wanted, so I didn't apply anywhere else. On August 3rd, I started climbing my mountain, and the best part was I was never alone. You see God was pushing me up; one step at a time.
We started out with 20 students (10 little boys and 10 little girls) couldn't get any better than that. At first, leaving mommy, daddy, grandma, or grandpa was not easy for a 5 year old. Not to mention, 3:00 was forever to them (us too on some days). Lol! I once read, "students who are loved at home come to school to learn, and students who aren't, come to school to be loved." Y'all I found my calling! I came to be loved on. This, I do know, Kindergarten + Love = Show and Tell.
As months went by and these little ones got a little more comfortable, they would slip up and call me mommy or grandma. Don't think for one second a smile wouldn't cross my face. I knew they were settling in, and so was I. Everything was lookin' up, and 3:00 wasn't so far away!
I've had many specials days, but Valentine's day was one of the best. I remembered the kids beat me to the classroom door that morning (I was trying to unlock it), but they were so excited. I was having a hard time opening it because they were jumping and hugging me and telling me they had a present or a card for me. It was better than Christmas!! I finally got the door open and we almost fell in the floor. These little one's brighten this ole girls day. They may have little hands but they got a big heart.
You know kindergarten has come a long way since my Miss Myrtle days (my kindergarten teacher). You don't just color and say or sing nursery rhymes any more. We learned how to dance with the months of the year. We know every sound of the alphabet. We can code most words, but it don't make a bit of since to me. Remember, I am old. We know how to pick out a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, pronoun, and... Our nose. We can count to over to 100. We can count by 5s and 10s. Our coloring got a lot better since the beginning of the year, so we don't "chicken scratch" any more. I was just proud they could hold a pencil, wipe their tails, wash their hands, and blow their nose. Some could even tie their shoes all by themselves. As they get older, I hope they will remember they can't always be the leader, the door holder or the caboose. It's who's in the middle that counts, too.
As our school year comes to a end, I wanna thank their parents for sharing their children with us. We give them back looking older, a little taller, and less teeth. It's been a blast watching them play, learn, and grow together. So as I remember them with tears in their eyes on the first day of school, today they will remember me with tears in my eyes 'cause I hate to see them go. I keep telling myself they're only gonna be a few doors down.
To Debbie Walker, Mr. McClung, and the School Board: Thanks for giving me this opportunity, and letting me be in the loving hands of children. Sometimes on my darkest nights, I knew the sun would shine when I got to school. I've always tried to remember these 18 little hearts were someone's "pride and joy" that I came to love.
To, Michelle Rushing, my teacher I work along beside: We are like a tag team. We've had to turn our heads to laugh 'cause kids says some of the funniest things. Sometimes, we wiped tears from our eyes from their darkest moments at home. She doesn't know this, but occasionally when she would leave the room at nap time their little heads would pop up and each one would wantt to tell me something. I was in charge of putting mats out, so I'd always put this little boy beside my desk. There were 2 reasons for this. 1). He wouldn't be quiet, and I would have to remind him. 2). When Mrs. Michelle would leave the room he would always, always sing to me. We had something in common, Country Music!!! Funny thing is, when I would say " ere she comes" they would all pretend to be asleep. To myself, I pretended that was all in the lesson plan. Lol! Now you know, Mrs. Michelle, but thanks for the memories.
To my 18 little boogers, remember all the things you've learned and all the fun we had. Thank you for my playground weeds, purple and yellow flowers, and shinny rocks through out the year. See ya later..... alligators!!!!
You know my life is so different than it was this time last year, and to that I say:
Dear sleep,
I know we had problems these last couple of years, but...... I LOVE YOU NOW!
Since this 2013-2014 class is so special to me, I wanted to remember the warmth of each child, so I've making myself a little quilt. Michelle was so gracious, and let me get each little hand print of my "class room family". My quilt is called " The hands that held me together". Here's a sneak peek. Now I gotta get to work on it. I'll post again (hopefully before school starts) when I finish with it. Oh I can't wait !!!!
Dear Lord,
How grateful I am to have a job that is so rewarding. Thank you for my push because I sure did need that jump start. Watch over my "school family", and may they have a fun, safe and memorable summer. Be with all the children as they climb this mountain of life, and may we always remember that you are right beside us. In your name, Amen.

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