Remembering Kinsley
One side was filled with memories, the other side went with you.
As I lay awake at night and all around me is asleep,
I just take a walk down memory lane with tears upon my cheek.
Remembering is so easy,
I do it all the time, but missing you is a ache in my heart that never goes away.
I hold you tightly in my heart and there you will remain,
life may go on without you but I assure you it will never be the same.
Dear Lord,
I could never get through the days without you, my family and friends. We may not understand somethings in this life but by faith we accept and move forward. May we all live our life with you in mind. Amen.
To the Class of 2012, the monument you put up at the tennis court in memory of Kinsley is just Beautiful.
Just wanted to say "thanks to all of you" for all you do for me.
I thank God for putting friends in life.
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