Evening in Iuka

This title is a little misleading, but I love it.
Growing up we didn't do a lot of shopping for clothes 'cause my mama or my grandmother (Mama Helen) would make my clothes. We did a lot of shopping for material. We really didn't have malls, but you could order from the J C Penneys or Sears catalog. Now, we only did that around Christmastime (best I can remember). I can remember taking home economics in school but that didn't stick, couldn't sew or cook. Sammy didn't find that out until after we got married. Thank Goodness!
I guess I'm telling off on myself but I had never had any perfume of my own. Oh my grandmothers had some and when I'd go over to see them I might splash a little on.  I'd wash it off before I went home 'cause Mama had Asthma and she'd have a spell if it was strong. I really didn't need any 'cause all I did was play ball and deodorant was good enough but when you start dating....smelling good is important, I thought.
Now y'all, I can't remember where or who gave me some perfume but it was sitting on go for my second date with Sammy. I feel sure it came from one of my friends 'cause they had to coach me on everything, I was clueless!! Y'all remember that story I wrote about that boy that came over to watch T V and I paid my brother and sister to sit between us, well deodorant was good enough for him, 'cause that wasn't a date.
Anyway I had apparently douse myself real good 'cause at breakfast the next morning I was still smelling or it seemed I was.
Daddy: Burnette (my mama) whats that smell?
Mama: I don't smell anything.
Me: I don't smell anything either.
Daddy: Its coming from around this area (pointing toward me).
Keith and Lisa: (brother and sister) busted out laughing
By the looks on all their faces I knew what was coming.
Daddy: Someone told me you was smelling good last night.
Keith and Lisa got out of their chair and took off running. WONDER WHY!!
Me: Yeah, I put a little perfume on before going out last night.
Daddy: What was the name of it?
Me: ????  I can't remember.
Daddy: (LAUGHING) I bet it was called "Evening in Iuka".
I reckon' after they saw I was gonna be datin' this long haired boy for a while, mama gave me money to buy  a gift for myself so I bought my own "smell goods"  I remember I'd say Daddy I bought me some "smell goods" today.  He would say, you just can't beat that "Evening in Iuka".
To this day Daddy still calls perfume, "Evening in Iuka" and I still call it "My Smell Goods".

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my Mama and Daddy and memories of home. Thank you for the free gift of "Eternal Life" so we can live with you forever. Amen.


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