Sit or Stand

Back in early summer of '75, still living in Florence, Al, we had been married a year and a few months. We had moved to a little cottage. It seemed back in the woods to this city girl. It was a cute little greenish house (1 bdrm), it sat a good ways off the road and it had a huge yard. Oblivious, we didn't see the yard 'cause after a month that thing needed mowing. Guess what??? No lawn mower. As I've heard my daddy say, we didn't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out. Just living on love!! Back then Florence didn't have a mall so Sears was located down town. We put on our best clothes (Lol) and got all excited 'cause we were gonna make our first Big purchase. I guess I was more excited about a mower than he was 'cause that was one of the three things I could do before I got married, mow. You see he knew what he was gettin'. There had been many a day (back home) when he came for a short visit, before he went to work, and there I sat ri...