Life Saver
Well it's the wee early morning hours and I been thinking while some of you sleep. When you're all by yourself (for some of you it maybe when all your little ones are down for the night) and you have some alone time; I want you to do some thinking and praying. I gotta be honest with you I never gave this much thought until.........
Back in '94 right before Christmas, we were all sitting down and eating dinner and we had a small TV on in the kitchen. There was a show that came on back then called "Rescue 911" and that's what we watched while eating. Now I guess the ideal family would have sat there quietly (no TV) and talked about their day but we aren't ideal. This one particular story was about a recipient getting a heart from a donor. It showed the the doctor running with the heart in an ice chest to the helicopter. It showed them landing and running with the ice chest through the hospital to the operating room. Later it showed the patient (days later) being so grateful for his new heart. Then out of the blue this was our conversation
Jay: Hey, I wish I could help someone someday.
Me: (All excited) You wanna be a doctor?
Jay: Nah!
Sammy/Rusty: (All excited) You wanna be a pilot?
Jay: Nah! You knowwwwww, I really wanna help someone.
Me: (I knew exactly what he meant then)..... Silence...... then...... OH!!!!
We never mentioned it again. That's just one of those things you don't wanna think about. Little did we know, less than a month later Jay's wish was granted. I remember like yesterday, when the doctor talked to us about making a decision about Jay being a donor. Sammy/Rusty and I never made eye contact, we said yes at the same time. We told the doctor we didn't make the decision that Jay had about a month ago, and we told him the story. The doctor just dropped his head and wiped his eyes. While we cried for our loss five different people cried tears of joy. We had the privilege of meeting two recipients and corresponding with a recipient's grandmother (her granddaughter was five years old). One day I'll write all about them.
Again in May, Nikki, Beth, and I had to carry out the same wish. This time it was Sammy/Rusty's wish. Kinsley would have been all for that but her organs were all infected. But believe me, she has helped in other ways.
I have decided for Valentines this year I'm gonna reach out to Sammy/Rusty's recipients. I'm ready. I just hope they are. I have my letters written. I'm gonna get a "Thinking of You" card to put with it. With my prayers and your I'll hear from them really soon, so I can share with y'all. I hope you don't mind if I include y'all in this 'cause all of you are like family.
So when you are alone just give this some thought. Oh, you can read up on donating, but I'll just tell ya the bottom line're not gonna need those precious organs when you're gone but someone might. Remember we're all gettin' NEW parts that will last for eternity, right. :) Thank You Lord!!!
All I ask ..... follow your heart. If you decide that's your wish, sign the back of your drivers license. But most importantly TELL A FAMILY MEMBER!
Just thinking, Lord,
About this new body..... we all gonna be lookin' good, I just know it. I'm thinking....not gonna have to have anything removed, replaced, nipped or tucked, we will have the best. I know your not taking any request but just in case, I'd like to be a little skinner, maybe have thicker hair (one color), straighter teeth and pretty feet.
Dear Lord,
Thank you Lord for putting up with me. Thank you for my family, friends, and blog readers. Lord, I pray for all recipients and donor families everywhere. For the donors' family, I pray they have peace 'cause its not easy to let go and say goodbye, but in our hearts we know its the right thing to do. For the recipient, I pray they tell others what You have done in giving them a second chance in life. And Lord, I have hopes of some day meeting these special people that you've picked that carries my husband, my friend, and soul mate's organs. Thank you for giving us courage and strength when thinking of others. May in all of our life's decisions put you first. All of this I ask in your name. Amen.
Back in '94 right before Christmas, we were all sitting down and eating dinner and we had a small TV on in the kitchen. There was a show that came on back then called "Rescue 911" and that's what we watched while eating. Now I guess the ideal family would have sat there quietly (no TV) and talked about their day but we aren't ideal. This one particular story was about a recipient getting a heart from a donor. It showed the the doctor running with the heart in an ice chest to the helicopter. It showed them landing and running with the ice chest through the hospital to the operating room. Later it showed the patient (days later) being so grateful for his new heart. Then out of the blue this was our conversation
Jay: Hey, I wish I could help someone someday.

Jay: Nah!
Sammy/Rusty: (All excited) You wanna be a pilot?
Jay: Nah! You knowwwwww, I really wanna help someone.
Me: (I knew exactly what he meant then)..... Silence...... then...... OH!!!!
We never mentioned it again. That's just one of those things you don't wanna think about. Little did we know, less than a month later Jay's wish was granted. I remember like yesterday, when the doctor talked to us about making a decision about Jay being a donor. Sammy/Rusty and I never made eye contact, we said yes at the same time. We told the doctor we didn't make the decision that Jay had about a month ago, and we told him the story. The doctor just dropped his head and wiped his eyes. While we cried for our loss five different people cried tears of joy. We had the privilege of meeting two recipients and corresponding with a recipient's grandmother (her granddaughter was five years old). One day I'll write all about them.
Again in May, Nikki, Beth, and I had to carry out the same wish. This time it was Sammy/Rusty's wish. Kinsley would have been all for that but her organs were all infected. But believe me, she has helped in other ways.
I have decided for Valentines this year I'm gonna reach out to Sammy/Rusty's recipients. I'm ready. I just hope they are. I have my letters written. I'm gonna get a "Thinking of You" card to put with it. With my prayers and your I'll hear from them really soon, so I can share with y'all. I hope you don't mind if I include y'all in this 'cause all of you are like family.
So when you are alone just give this some thought. Oh, you can read up on donating, but I'll just tell ya the bottom line're not gonna need those precious organs when you're gone but someone might. Remember we're all gettin' NEW parts that will last for eternity, right. :) Thank You Lord!!!
All I ask ..... follow your heart. If you decide that's your wish, sign the back of your drivers license. But most importantly TELL A FAMILY MEMBER!
Just thinking, Lord,
About this new body..... we all gonna be lookin' good, I just know it. I'm thinking....not gonna have to have anything removed, replaced, nipped or tucked, we will have the best. I know your not taking any request but just in case, I'd like to be a little skinner, maybe have thicker hair (one color), straighter teeth and pretty feet.
Dear Lord,
Thank you Lord for putting up with me. Thank you for my family, friends, and blog readers. Lord, I pray for all recipients and donor families everywhere. For the donors' family, I pray they have peace 'cause its not easy to let go and say goodbye, but in our hearts we know its the right thing to do. For the recipient, I pray they tell others what You have done in giving them a second chance in life. And Lord, I have hopes of some day meeting these special people that you've picked that carries my husband, my friend, and soul mate's organs. Thank you for giving us courage and strength when thinking of others. May in all of our life's decisions put you first. All of this I ask in your name. Amen.
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