Rusty and Teresa Walker

Last week when the CMA Awards was on I just listened to it 'cause I was writing on my blog; however, I did record it, and will watch it soon.  That's one of those things I took for granted, and I sure was missing being there. 'Thought I'd share some stories.
Back in the fall of 1996 we were all at a pep rally 'cause Beth had been nominated for the Homecoming Court and we were waiting for them to announce who had made it. Sammy got a call from Nashville; he had been elected to the CMA Board of Directors. About the same time they announced that Beth had made Homecoming Court. The first time we went was in 1997.  We went by ourselves, stayed downtown, and rode to the awards in a beautiful black stretchhhhhhhhh Hummer. After that year, we started taking the kids and rode in our 7 passenger van. Ha! The first one we went to was at the Grand Ole Opry House.  In the earlier years, Sammy would leave a couple of days ahead of us 'cause he had meetings just about all week long.  I'd take the girls out of school around lunch time, and we would head to Nashville.  Talk about excited!!  Sometimes we would have just enough time to go to the hotel room to get ready. If we had any extra time we would have a photo shoot (if we could get them to act right). There is always a Meet and Greet Party a couple of hours before the broadcast and all kinds of parties afterwards. It was really neat to meet people Sammy worked with, and to be introduced to tons of Country Stars. Sammy really loved to tell stories about "radio folks" and we got to put faces with names. If we had the kids with us, we would hit a party before getting back on the road.  One year we didn't leave till around two in the morning, and that was the longest ride home. They would be asleep before I got out of Franklin. Oh, they promised to stay awake and talk to me, but that never lasted long.  I sorta thought this might happen.  So before I left Iuka, I got the bright idea to get me one of those books on tape.  I had never done this before, and I don't think I will ever do it again! Maybe it was the tape. We get on down the road and I decided to play the tape. Have y'all ever heard of Mary Higgins Clark before? Well, I hadn't! I don't know if all her books are scary but this one was.  Hey, I got so scared I had to pull off at a truck stop.  I think I threw that tape out the window. I even tried to take a nap. Well, after what I heard sleep wouldn't come.  Seems like it took forever to get home.  I was so sleepy after awhile! We rolled into Iuka just in time for the girls to take a shower, get dressed, and get to school on time.
As time went on we didn't take the girls every time. They were in college and couldn't go. Kinsley had gone a few more times.  We even surprised Logan one year on his birthday and took him along. Here are a few pictures I came across, sorry, no stars in these, just us "Walkers".

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Dear Lord,
I know this is nothing compared to the "Meet and Greet Party" you have waiting on us. It will be a party we will never have to leave, because we'll be home at last with you and our loved ones. I know your invitation is free to all, and all we gotta do is except you into our heart and the party's on. I pray that all that reads this will stay in faith and know one day you'll be there to Meet us and those familiar to us will Greet us. Thank you Lord for watching over me 'cause these nights are even longer. Amen.


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