Our 1st Thanksgiving away from home.
After we moved to St. Petersburg, we couldn't afford to come back home. It didn't matter if we wanted to drive or fly; the funds weren't there. I told Sammy I sure wasn't gonna fly unless it was an emergency, like if Samson had died, and we needed to bury him in Mama Helen's back yard. One time when I was younger, we all went to an air show in Iuka. After the show, they were giving people rides in a plane. I thought I'd try mama and daddy out. Me: Can I go for a ride? Mama: Goodness Gracious, NO! Me: (one down, one to go) Can I go for a ride, Daddy? Daddy: What did your mama say? Me: She said, no, but I really want to. PLEASE!!! Daddy: Now you ain't gonna ride in one of those little old planes, NO! Me: (you see I really didn't want to, but I really had to act like I did so I start begging.) Daddy: See if Mother (Mama Helen) will go with you, and I'll buy you both a ticket. Mama Helen: (she was a...