I can see you.

You can imagine how quiet my house has been for the last 4-6 months, especially at night, but not this past weekend.(Labor Day) I think I saw our house smiling and shaking with laughter at times. You see my two little Grandbabies and their moms and dads spent the whole weekend with me. Yep, we had a sleep- over, dogs and all. Sometimes, I would catch myself thinking, I sure hope there are holes in the floor of Heaven, so they can see what we are doing down here.

Several years ago, late in the afternoon I had cooked dinner and I was trying to find all the kids to come to the table to eat. Hey, I gotta tell ya, I'm not the best cook but we got by. Normally I wouldn't have to call the kids to come eat, they could here it. Yeah, hear it!!! The smoke detector!!!! I remember one time one of the girls had a friend over and that thing went off. I heard them say, dinners ready. (like one went off in every househole, they thought nothing of it)  You know that made me smile.....NOT. Now sometimes it was a faults alarm, just smoke, and the kids would sound like a stampede come down the stairs, ready to eat. There were times I'd like to throw that thing out in the yard. Anyway ( back to the story) the girls came right away to eat but I couldn't find Jay. I looked the house over, then went outside and hollered...........

Me:  Jay are you out here.
Jay: Yeah, Mama, I'm here.
Me: Where ?????? I can't see you.
Jay:  I'm up here.
Me: Where, I still can't see you.
Jay: Its okay Mama, I can see you.
He was up in a tree, and he did that quite often. I never knew which tree he was in but I never got off the porch to looked either.
Y'all know something....  its been a while since I've smooched on that sweet face but I can still hear him say, It's okay Mama, I can see you, so when I get a little lonely, I like to think that my three can see me,

Dear Lord,
Help me to live each day in faith, believing that better days are yet to come. I know Your eye is on this sparrow and I know Your watching me. Amen


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