Riding to school

I was taking my nephew (Logan) to school this morning, as I have since he was 5 years old and I was remembering back when all my kids were in school. Kinsley was just a baby and the other three were going to three different schools ( elementary, middle & high school) so we had to leave a little early to make the rounds. Some mornings I'd be in such a hurry I'd have my pajamas pants on with a sweat shirt pulled over my pajama top just in case I had car trouble and I had to walk. HA! Several mornings I'd forget to brush my hair which was a little scary and the kids would wont me to let them out at the road just before turning in at their school. Thought I'd share a couple of interesting rides. One year (maybe 1st or 2nd grade) Jays class had to dress up like their favorite singer. Well, ole Jay wanted to be Willie Nelson. I'm not real sure if he even knew anything about Willie just that he liked his hair. Back in the 70s Willie had an album called, "Sho...