I'm so glad we had this time together.

Looking back on this school year, my mornings started with a cup of coffee in the cup holder and the radio cranked up just to get my day started because I knew what was awaiting once I stepped through the doors at IES. There is nothing like going to a place where hugs are free, smiles are contagious, and learning is fun. Mondays aren't so bad because the kids and I have a lot of catchin' up to do. More often than not, they are standing in line telling me about their weekend. Oh, the stories I hear ( my lips are sealed and I threw away the key) hehe! I also have Monday morning bathroom doo-tee (duty ). Now, I know that is everyone's dream and the only thing good about it is I get it over with. However, the best part is seeing all the first grade and kindergarten students. You know when I first started working in kindergarten some of Mrs. Michelle's former students that had moved on to first grade would come in ju...