Young Love ..... Strong Love ....... True Love

Young Love Strong Love On this cold morning driving to my "Happy" place, kindergarten, (work) I was trying to find that perfect song. You know, the one that stays with you all day. Well ..... I found it. But.... it wasn't a song, however, it stayed with me all day looooong. It was a radio station's bottom of the hour ID, 101 "The Worm". Now, I'm all about that voice, Rusty Walker/ Sammy Darwin. Just hearing that voice really warmed my heart but I sure did have a bunch of tears. Funny thing, when I got in my car to leave for the day, the radio wasn't even set on that station. How weird is that!!!! Just wanted to give a "shout up" to him..... until the Twelfth of Never, I'm still loving you. 41 years ago today we stared our journey. What memories I have to hold on to. Feelin...