
Showing posts from June, 2012

Sm, Med and Lg

Sorry y'all this story takes place at the drive-in too. Y'all might as well get use to going to the drive in with me cause we went every Saturday night. You see the same guy that owned the radio station (WVOM-WTIB) where Sammy worked, also owned the drive-in. Which was kinda good on Sammy's part cause we got in free, so he really didn't spend any money on me. We had been dating for some time now and getting married looked promising. This particular night he tells me his dreams......he said, you know I'm in a small right now. When I start getting close to thirty, I wanna be in a medium and after thirty I wanna be in a large. I thought that was about the strangest thing I'd ever heard anyone say or even put any thought into. I 'm so glad he didn't ask me about my dreams cause I really hadn't put any thought in mine, especially something like that. You know I would have to report in after every date. Here's our conversation: My parents: how was you...

Talking to the Man Upstairs

Hey, Y'all this ain't what you think its about and some of you have heard this one. So for the out-of -towners Cutshalls is our local funeral home. In this case the man upstairs is MR. Alabama. No really, you know these guys that compete, they got Big ole muscles and they shave Everything on their body (I was told) and they strike a pose. I don't even know if they still do stuff like that any more but I guess it was cool back in the 80's. Any way he lived up stairs from us with his! I forgot to mention in my 1st date story that my grandmother (Mama Helen) had given me a little puppy (she had raised from birth with a bottle). I'd go visit this little puppy every day after school so she told me if it lived she would give it to me. So I brought it home that afternoon on the same day I had that wonderful date. I named that puppy Samson. I think Sammy thought he would have to marry me now, cause that puppy had the first three letters of his name. Ok here we g...

1st Date

Y'all better grab you a bag of popcorn and a root beer or coke, maybe a good old slaw dog cause we are headed to the Iuka Drive-in at dark thirty...where the speakers are on the pole and cartoons plays first. WOOHOO!!! Lets go meet mama and daddy first, cause I wouldn't be going anywhere 'til that took place. Y'all, I had to do a lot of begging to even go out on a date, I was a few weeks shy of turning 15. Lord, I was ready to get this over with him meeting my parents. Never been on a date before so I called my friend and had to get some advice on how to get in the car. Like do I go around to the passenger side and let him open the door for me or slide in on his side. She said, slide in. I said, I don't think I can do it and she said, I'd better. Now mama had seen Sammy from a distance the weekend before and I pointed him out.... bad mistake. This is what I had to hear: Surely to goodness you don't wanna date someone that looks like that. I hadn't...

How I Met Yo Mama

One Saturday morning Sammy came to my house to get me. He said, he wanted me to meet his mama. On the drive to Corinth I was sooooo nervous. We get there and as soon as I walk in the door Sammy's brother said he wanted to introduce me to their grandmother. She was a skinny little lady, sweet as could be and we hit it off from the start. She even cooked lunch for us but his mama never showed up. After lunch we, along with grandmother, watched TV and just sat around talking and having a good time, mama. It was getting to be dark and I had to get on home. So on the way home, I remembered thinking I guess she didn't wanna meet me so I never mentioned it until we pulled in my drive way. I told him I really had a good time and I hated I didn't get to meet his mama. He said, what do you mean, you talked to her all day. I said, naw, I talked to your grandmother. He said, who said she was my grandmother. I said, your brother introduced me to her. He started laughing and sai...

One Leg Over the Threshold

Hey, have y'all ever heard of carrying your bride over the threshold when you get married? I doubt couples even do that any more or maybe I just thought that was the finishing touch but apparently Sammy had never heard of this. Now y'all remember I was only 17 1/2 and this was my way of thinking. I thought before you ever set foot in your house or apartment and after the honeymoon your new husband was suppose to carry you in his arms through the doorway. I'll go ahead and apologize for this image!!!!! so we get to our little apartment, we are so excited and we walk straight in and sat on the couch.I remember we sorta looked at each other as if to say... what next. Then it hit me,oh my goodness, he forgot to carry me. This is our conversation: (me) get up. (Sam) why, what is wrong? (me) we gotta go back outside so you can carry though the doorway. (Sam) why, you just walked through it with me? (me) well, I think this is some kind of rule when you first get home. (Sam -...