Sm, Med and Lg
Sorry y'all this story takes place at the drive-in too. Y'all might as well get use to going to the drive in with me cause we went every Saturday night. You see the same guy that owned the radio station (WVOM-WTIB) where Sammy worked, also owned the drive-in. Which was kinda good on Sammy's part cause we got in free, so he really didn't spend any money on me. We had been dating for some time now and getting married looked promising. This particular night he tells me his dreams......he said, you know I'm in a small right now. When I start getting close to thirty, I wanna be in a medium and after thirty I wanna be in a large. I thought that was about the strangest thing I'd ever heard anyone say or even put any thought into. I 'm so glad he didn't ask me about my dreams cause I really hadn't put any thought in mine, especially something like that. You know I would have to report in after every date. Here's our conversation: My parents: how was you...