
The Bottom of the Christmas Tree Box

Y’all, I wanted to share something I did just about every year before taking down the Christmas tree.  Shoot, I don’t even think my girls knew I did this back in the day. Sammy didn’t even know.  Now, It may sound silly to some but whatever floats your boat, right? I always, somehow someway, got our Christmas tree down from the attic alone.  I remember going down the ladder was way better than going up.  I will say, there were times on the way down, that I may or may not have given the old tree box a shove.  Going up, I had to take it one piece at a time.  Everyone in my household, surprisingly, found that they were needed somewhere else when I announced that the tree needed to go up or come down.  I would get all kinds of excuses.  “I need to mow the yard (December) with scissors.”  “ My legs need shaving.”  “I gotta go climb a tree.” After a few years, you learn to do it yourself if you want it done.  So here’s the part they didn...

Umm, No Tears in Heaven...

... but I bet this Paw Paw's new eyes were awful blurry.  I'm sure he had a big old smile on his face when he got a glimpse of Alex at a radio station, sitting on a stool with head phones on his ear and a mic in his face; chattin' it up. Not to mention, Alex is learning to play drums, possibly Darwin drums. I can just hear him say, "Aww...Now, that's cool and btw.. he has my vote!" You can catch Alex on 94.3 "Super Talk" and WTVA. Remember to vote November 6th Above it all, Click Clark. Nathaniel Clark for Chancery Court Judge, District I Post I Paid for , I mean, written by; One Proud Mother-in- Law and Grammy.

Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh

I don't mean to brag, and some may beg to differ, but I think our parents did a pretty good job of raising us three, Keith, Lisa and me. And as Daddy and Mama get older, we want the best we can give to them. They are both on the front side of 80 and, as we know with age, we all get to slipping a little. Whether it be our health, our bodies, or our mind as with the case with them. Oh, we're all gonna be there one day.  Time please slow down. Daddy and Mama are very independent, PTL, and they got each other. What one can't remember the other can on good days. Hehe!  But occasionally, they need our help. They don't really like to ask for it. Keith helps out with the handy man stuff and lawn work when Daddy will let him. Lisa helps out in the business department and doctors appointments / medicine and then there's me. Let me just say, it's a good thing none of us are jealous or get our feeling hurt because I was once their cook and out- of -town driver but not so mu...

My Good Friend, Tommy

As long as I can remember growing up on Graham Road, my brother Keith, sister Lisa, and I had a friend for life, Tommy Enlow. He lived a few house up the road from us. Tommy was about 3 years older than me, but in reality, he could be any age of a kid. He was always taller than me. I could never catch up. When he would get excited he would stutter and talk loud no matter how close you stood by him. He saw no bad in anyone and didn't know how to hate. I like to think of him as" God's Special Edition". He was my playmate until my brother and sister came along; then I had to share. I can remember us riding tricycles, bicycles, making mud pies, and catching lightening bugs. When I was about 9 years old, we would stand at the end of our driveway and hit rocks with a bat and see who could hit the farthest. One afternoon, we got in a real battle. Tommy was not paying attention and some how his bat connected with my head and hit me near my eye. Blood was everywhere a...

I'm so glad we had this time together.

 Looking back on this school year, my mornings started with a cup of coffee in the cup holder and the radio cranked up just to get my day started because I knew what was awaiting once I stepped through the doors at IES. There is nothing like going to a place where hugs are free, smiles are contagious, and learning is fun. Mondays aren't so bad because the kids and I have a lot of catchin' up to do. More often than not, they are standing in line telling me about their weekend. Oh, the stories I hear ( my lips are sealed and I threw away the key) hehe! I also have Monday morning bathroom doo-tee (duty ). Now, I know that is everyone's dream and the only thing good about it is I get it over with. However, the best part is seeing all the first grade and kindergarten students.  You know when I first started working in kindergarten some of Mrs. Michelle's former students that had moved on to first grade would come in ju...

Running low on hope with my GPS

7:15 am: leaving to take my two little grands half way back to meet their dad after spending some time with the Iuka family. My car was loaded, kids strapped in, and "everything" in reach in case I needed to hand them something. I had planned on leaving around 6:00 am but my clock and GPS must have been talking to each other. We get about 5 miles down the road and Mac (4 year old) wants to know how much longer. Then, Mollie Bryant (2 year old), that is strapped in, opens her door. Not all the way, but enough for the lights to come on and all the blood to leave my body. So that meant everything that was all organized and within my reach shifted forward and hit the floor because of my sudden stop. OH my, we only had 5 hrs and 55 minutes to go. I look back, after getting back on the road, and Mac is not saying a word but he had put his football helmet on. Can't say I blame him. We get about an hour on down the road and Mac announces he has to go POOP. Well, wouldn't ...

My New Journey

I may not understand but.... by faith, I'm gonna give it my best shot and move forward. After 3 months of me sleeping with house plans and then Lisa (my sister) trying to please me with house plans she has drawn up, I finally have one. Yep, I have a plan. I bought a house. Lol!!!! Finally, the middle of November I had settled on my new dream house. This may seem a little weird to y'all but it was so hard coming from a huge house to a 3 bedroom home. Also, it was hard not having my side kick with me. Although Sammy and I had the same taste in things I missed him making decisions. To this day I still hate doing that. Anyway, Lisa and I met with several contractors and finally settled on the perfect one. He put me on his list and promised to have it built by May or June. So, I was really ready to sit back and wait. Kinda like taking a loooong winter's nap with Mama and Papa Bear. But, guess what? God had another plan.... his plan, the perfect plan. I get a message from a s...